Chicken Gizzards

Chicken Gizzards

1 lb | 10-15 gizzards

We are pleased to offer this hard-to-find, tasty option. Not only are they mouth-watering when fried into crispy golden goodness, gizzards also pack a punch of health benefits. The gizzard is one of the most protein-rich food you can eat. Just one cup is enough to meet 88% of your body’s daily protein needs. They’re also an essential source of energy! These chicken parts are low in fat content, making them ideal for those hoping to lose weight. And we can’t forget the good part – gizzards are rich in all kinds of important vitamins and minerals. Rich in vitamin A, B12, and C, they’re also loaded with minerals like iron, copper, magnesium, and manganese. Our chickens are raised in the fresh country air, so you never need to worry about the junk commercially-raised chickens are sure to contain.